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Tips for your pets

General Health Tips for your Pets

Do dogs sweat?

ANSWER: Dogs have the ability to sweat, but in places that are a little different from humans. Dogs sweat through their pads and feet.
Their skin and armpit areas don't contain sweat glands like ours do.
Their main method of ridding themselves from heat, however, is by panting, which is a very different mechanism than what we generally use.

For these reasons, we must take great care to protect our dogs from heat stroke. Dogs with compromised respiration, like bulldogs and pugs, are at a very high risk of easily overheating just because they can't pant very efficiently.

Can dogs and cats see colour?

ANSWER: Dogs and cats have rods and cones in their retinas but in a different proportion than in the human retina.
Although they can differentiate colours, what they see is likely a more muted version of what we see.
Dogs, especially, probably see more shades of gray than they do all of the individual colours.

Cats, by the way, can concentrate small amounts of light in their eyes, which allows them to see at night when the rest of us have difficulty.
This special talent gives them their extraordinary night hunting vision.

How can I remove the discoloration around my white dog's eyes & mouth?

ANSWER: Reddish or brownish discoloration around a white dog's eyes and nose is quite common and normal. It's caused by porphyrinsdpigments found naturally in dogs' tears and saliva, as well as in other body fluids.

Unfortunately, these stains are hard to remove. There are several grooming products available to whiten pet fur; they may help somwhat. You also can ask your pup's groomer what he uses to keep fur white. Bathing your dog's face regularly may help as well. Most likely none of these options will remove the stains completely; they're simply part of having a beautiful white dog.

Part of my dog's toenail broke off. What do I do?

ANSWER: Broken nails aren't uncommon in dogs, and they generally aren't any more dangerous than a broken toenail is to you. In some cases they can bleed a lot, because the quick - the live tissue inside the base of the nail - can be exposed. If the nail's bleeding, you can put pressure on it with a clean cloth (if your pup will sit still for that). If that doesn't work, you may need to take your dog to the veterinarian to get the bleeding stopped.

Your dog's nail should grow out again in a couple of days, but it might cause her some pain until then. You can help her by keeping the nail area clean, so it won't get infected. Wipe her feet when she comes in from outside; you can even clean her foot with hydrogen peroxide if she gets into anything particularly messy. If the nail wasn't completely broken off and there's still a piece of broken nail hanging on, it will probably have to be removed so the nail can heal. If you're not comfortable cutting it off yourself, your veterinarian can do it.

The most important thing to watch will be the skin at the base of her nail. If that skin turns red or swells in the next couple of weeks, or if your dog's foot stays sore for more than a few days, take your pup to your veterinarian.

How much sleep does my puppy need?

ANSWER: Puppies are a lot like human babies - they play hard, and they need to sleep hard too. Though veterinarians still don't know exactly how puppy brains develop, they know that sleeping (as well as playing) is important to the development process. While your pup is conked out on the carpet, his brain is busy maturing and building new neural connections.

So the answer to your question is, a puppy generally needs as much sleep as he can get. As long as he's eating and drinking like he usually does, and he's active and playful when he's awake, his sleep shouldn't be a problem. Over time he'll adjust to your schedule, and he'll probably learn to sleep when you sleep at night, and nap whenever he feels like it during the day (one of the advantages of a dog's life!). His body will do a pretty good job of getting him the sleep he needs, as long as it isn't interfered with. So if you see your puppy napping, don't wake him up to play. Let him sleep, unless you need to wake him to keep him on his feeding or elimination schedule.

If you're worried that your puppy's sleeping - or any aspect of his behaviour - isn't normal, or if his behaviour changes suddenly or dramatically, make an appointment with your veterinarian to have your pup checked out.

Bad breath?

ANSWER: Most often, bad breath is caused by dental or periodontal disease. Some dogs do not adequately chew their food; thus they don't clean their teeth naturally by the chewing process. Also, some dogs and cats are just prone to dental plaque, tartar and disease. These pets may need more frequent dental cleanings and treatments.
Internal diseases such as kidney disease can also cause bad breath. A trip to your veterinarian is recommended in order to pinpoint the cause of your dog's bad breath and to ensure he is in good health.

Why is my dog sneezing?

ANSWER: There are many upper respiratory viruses and bacteria that can cause sneezing in dogs. These dangers are in much higher concentrations at boarding kennels. Therefore, it is possible that your dog caught the cold from her friend. The good news is that these upper respiratory infections are usually self-limiting in otherwise healthy adult dogs. In other words, the symptoms should be mild and pass quickly.
There are, however, many things that may cause sneezing in dogs. Among them would be foreign bodies and allergies. If your dog's signs get worse (lethargy, not eating) or you see mucus or yellow-green discharge, contact your veterinarian.
A more common malady after a trip to the kennel is, kennel cough. Kennel cough also results from any of a multitude of viruses and bacteria. Dogs exhibit various coughing symptoms, from a mild hack to a very strong cough (which may sound like choking). If you suspect kennel cough in your dog, make sure to visit the veterinarian for treatment.

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Our “Paradise for Pampered Pets is situated on 2.7 Hectares of rolling lawns, surrounded by well kept gardens, with plenty of trees, not only for shade, but also for peace and tranquility.
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Tips for your Pets

Tips for your Pets

General Health Tips for your PetsRead More